Since 2010 DSBS have been involved in a State Government-owned, commercially-focused Energy Utility Corporation that provides high quality, safe and reliable power to thousands of residents and businesses, including major industry, across regional and remote Western Australia.
Before 2010, the utility was part of a larger utility. When they recognised that they needed to plan and manage a technology segregation with their own robust IT functionality and serviceability capacity to run as their own business, in 2010 DSBS were brought in to conduct a strategic assessment of their IT function by assessing infrastructure, application, support services and EAM transition out into their own environment.
From this analysis DSBS developed a high level gap analysis between the current state and a mature IT organisation model presented as a traffic light view. This provided a good reference clearly showing how effective each area is and what risks are associated with them.
Since 2010, DSBS’s involvement has extended to supplying key people on major projects such as: Technology Transition, Enterprise Architecture, Advanced Metering Implementation (AMI) selection and implementation, and Data Centre relocation.
DSBS maintains a high degree of focus to provide the support and expertise needed for this transition to develop and deliver an IT strategy to take the business forward in the development of the organisation in the coming years.
This transition for the organisation is an ongoing process and a very exciting one that provides real benefits to communities throughout regional and remote areas.